Minutes of Committee Meeting Monday 8 November 2021 at 8pm
(NB: the meeting took place online using Zoom)
Present: Pete Nunn; F Rawlins John Saysell; Paul Groves; Nigel Cameron; Jeff Tipper, Graham Potter; Nick Harris; Nikki Salih; David Thomas; Mick Rhodes; A Lancaster; Chris Glithero; Chris Dixon; Ashley Glass; Neil Lewis.
1.Herts Wheelers: No response yet from them. Ball is in their court.
2. CTT/TLI: TLI membership comes with insurance for those that do not have BC membership or similar. The breakeven is 5 rides compared to CTT. TLI very easy to join but agreed to publish more on Facebook, Gazette and website. Nikki to write something.
Other clubs reporting numbers down due to Covid so agreed to give TLI one more year.
3. Prize Winners: In addition to list sent by Frank we agreed:
XXXXXXXXXX (redacted)
Discussed ideas for a reallocation of those trophies that are no longer competed for to other more popular activities. All to email Jeff with ideas before December,
4. Hardriders: No response from Queenswood. David agreed to look at options for an HQ within 3 miles of Queenswood.
5. AGM Issues: Defer to next meeting
6. Access to Members list for Committee Members: Defer to next meeting
7. Club Kit: Some criticism of the current kit style on WhatsApp forum. There are a number of websites that will help redesign kit but for club racers that could become very expensive.
To take this forward agreed to add an item to AGM along the lines of “Does the AGM support a proposal to appoint a small group to review the design of NRCC kit.” David to draft a proposal.
8. New Member: Matt Robertson’s application was approved.
9. WhatsApp Groups: Over the last week there was much discussion by members about the various groups in use. Some disliked their use others felt the Committee should give a clear steer.
The Committee agreed we should send a strong signal to have riders meet on Saturdays at the Golden Griffin and at an agreed time. We may need to recognize the desire for earlier starts in the summer months.
Pete and Chris Dixon to chat and send an email to all members.
10. New Secretary: Mick Rhodes has kindly agreed to take on the role from the New Year and was thanked.
11. Date of next meeting: Monday 13 December at 8pm. Nigel to send Zoom link.