Eastern CX League, Grafham Water, Sun 2nd Nov 2014

Mon 03 Nov 2014

Grafham Water is a perennial favourite for the North Road Cx’ers.  Heavy overnight rain meant the course was bound to be muddy, although it held up reasonable well compared to in the past where it has been a derailleur killer. One particular section was was a real ‘sit-and-hope’ job as riders slithered through.  The normal sounds of a CX race, heavy breathing, muttered curses at the e horror of it all, crunching gears, screeching canti’s was joined by the regular cacophony of riders hitting the deck.

In the Vets +50 race Steve James missed the call up for ranking (D’oh!) so had to start at the back.   After a one lap strop and sulk at his own bungling incompetence, he MTFU and got on with some hard racing picking his way though the field purposefully.  He even managed a finishing line Cavendish like sprint to nip in front of a rival by a fraction of an inch.

Bryan Holland and John McDowall shared their regular early laps tussle in the Vets 40-49 race.  John led early on although Bryan battled back with a daring ‘commit to the rut’  kamikaze assault though the mud section.  Both rode strongly on a course more suited to their style of riding.  Bryan had the almost inevitable fall, whilst John suffered two and a late race puncture meant a pit stop for a wheel change took the gloss off some determined riding.  

Dave Kiely, out for six weeks after shoulder damage, and unable to get in the full Vets event, made his seasons comeback in the Senior race alongside regulars Paul McGrath and Matt Crees.  Matt didn't get his best start but soon settled into a sustainable pace.  An off on the first lap didn't help but gradually the usual suspects where reeled in. Some hard efforts out of corners and over the hurdles opened gaps as Matt made his way through the field for his best result so far in CX.  Paul found the conditions a little above his pay grade.   His race was not helped by having to ride two laps on a flat tyre costing him a couple of minutes and a handful of places in the results.  Dave survived, got round, although a bramble cut arm was bleeding enough for one of the marshals to suggest that he ‘might have self-harmed himself in the forest‘   Dave shrugged it off and nipped off to see Matron for an antiseptic wipe.   They build them tough in CX....

Steve James (Vet+50) came 17th at +6.31 with 54 starters.  Bryan and John (Vet 40-49) came 13th and 21st at +4.03 and +5.51 out of 71 competitors.  In the Seniors event Paul was 21st at +1 lap and +3.02.  Matt was 40th ( + 2 laps and 2.22), Dave 50th (+3 laps and 1.07)

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