LVRC Dunton 6 - Thurs 21st July 11

Fri 22 Jul 2011

With skies looking bleak and rainy all afternoon, only myself turned out from NRCC. Secretly I was pleased as that would mean no-one would see me getting dropped (at my first attempt last week I only managed to hang on for 20 minutes).
Lessons learned, sights were set on modest objectives, i.e. stay near the front, not waste energy chasing every break, not initiate a break and finish the race in the pack. I managed to hang on and win the fourth prime after closing down a break, but could do nothing about the next break of five which got away and that meant finishing in the bunch. 

The Highway Code

Know the rules of the road

Your safety is dependent on everyone on the road knowing and obeying the rules, so get the low down and don't get mown down!

Group Riding

If you're new to riding in a group, read our handy guide on how to stay safe.