LVRC Viper circuit Road Race 14th June 2009

Sun 14 Jun 2009

Four North Road riders turned out for the LVRC road race on the Viper circuit on Sunday June the 14th.  Both John McDowall and Jeff Robinson survived a turbo charged first lap while Del Evans and Steve James found the going more difficult.  Unfortunatly, just as the race was settling down a BCF motorcycle marshall was in collision with an oncoming car just as he was overtaking the back end of the bunch.  The resulting collision looked and sounded extremly serious, but only caused minor injuries to the marshall and one rider.  It is sad to report that some riders weaved through the wreckage in an attempt to continue racing despite what looked a very serious incident.  After a delay for very prompt St John's ambulance attendance, and with some talk of restarting the race, the inevitable decision was taken to cancel both the A/B and C/D cat races.      

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