Ciclos Uno LVRC Hog Hill - Sun 9th August 2009

Sun 16 Aug 2009

Ciclos Uno LVRC Summer Series - Hog Hill Sunday 9th August

Despite having completed a full beans fast group ride on Saturday and having a coming together with a car when nearly home from that I woke up Sunday feeling quite motivated and decided on spur of moment to go to Hog Hill for some LVRC racing.

The car incident (still not sure if he hit me or I hit him) resulted in me removing the nearside door mirror from a fairly new BMW with my right wrist. Although very painful at the time, by Sunday morning it was a dull ache and a couple of Ibruprofen set me up OK.

I expected to see the usual suspects of North Road Vets gathering early, honing tactics and race strategy to set Badger up for the win but discovered I was to be the lone representative from NRCC. The race was all on the lower circuit thankfully, with me setting off with the CDs ahead of the ABs. The ABs did catch us at some point and then the race pretty much stayed together all the way to the end. I did a bit of chasing of some early breaks and got myself in a short lived break of 3 (doomed to failure) but after that I was happy to stay with the main bunch all the way to the bell when 3 riders got away and Steve Watson won the 3 man sprint. I finished comfortably, if somewhat to the rear, of the bunch. An excellent morning's racing, ave speed 24.0 mph.

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